


APR 16 2014

Sriram Subramanian, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, in the University’s Bristol Interaction and Graphics group, said: “MisTable broadens the potential of conventional tables in many novel and unique ways. The personal screen provides direct line of sight and access to the different interaction spaces. Users can be aware of each other’s actions and can easily switch between interacting with the personal screen to the tabletop surface or the interaction section. This allows users to break in or out of shared tasks and switch between “individual” and “group” work.

“Users can also move content freely between these interaction spaces. Moving content between the tabletop and the personal screen allow users to share it with others or to get exclusive ownership over it. The research team believe MisTable could support new forms of interaction and collaboration in the future.”

With the new system, having personal screens for each user allows the view of each of the users to be customised to them, as well as maintaining all well-established tabletop interface techniques like touch and tangible interactions.

NOV 3 2014


SET 1 2015

據了解,此次這款特製 3D 螢幕是由南加州大學(University of Southern California, USC)的創新技術團隊所製成,首先研究人員先利用多達 30 台攝影機,在不同位置去拍攝特定的目標物件,例如片段中所示範的是真人,然後有關影像便會再被分配到 216 個投影機,而這批投影機將會以半圓形的方式,圍繞著一個大螢幕。之後,當所有投影機啟動後,螢幕上便會投射出實際的 3D 影像,而即使觀眾在螢幕前方向左右移動,也一樣可以清楚地看到該立體影像的深度及各種細節。

相比起其他 3D 影像技術,由於該技術所投射出的 3D 影像極之逼真,因此相當適合應用於真人之上,例如在博物館或教學用途的層面下,透過該 3D 螢幕投射出一個「立體人」之後,再透過語音辨識功能便可實現一問一答,而且由於影像相當真實的關係,因此感覺上就猶如與真人有眼神接觸一樣溝通,比起一般的 2D 互動方式更加有趣。
